Liebe Freunde,
wir freuen uns, euch die folgenden Veranstaltungen mit Pastor Solomon in der Zeit vom 27. Mai bis 03. Juni 2024 bekanntzugeben
und laden euch herzlich ein, dabei zu sein.











The move of God's power at Safarogbo (by Pastor Kenneth Emerie)

I held a four days revival programme with the church at Safarogbo area. It was very great. During the programme, so many people came, numbering up to hundred. After preaching the Word of God, so many of them gave their lives to Christ. The sick among them were healed by the Lord while those possessed with evil spirits were delivered, with the evil spirits crying out with loud voices.

Read more: The move of God's power at Safarogbo (by Pastor Kenneth Emerie)

Healed from mental sickness 2 (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)

A woman whom I have been preaching the message of salvation to, that was procrastinating, had a marital problem. The husband married a second wife as an unbeliever and the woman’s heart was broken....As a result of that she started loosing her mind and could not sleep for months.

Read more: Healed from mental sickness 2 (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)

Healed from mental sickness (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)

A boy who was mentally sick came for counselling and deliverance, he has not been sleeping for two months and fortunately his mother met with one of our members and complained to her the plight of the son for months now.

Read more: Healed from mental sickness (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)

Revival programme (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)

...a lot of people were healed, delivered, revived and restored to Christ. There was a particular case that gave me great joy. A brother who backslided 5 years ago was restored back to Christ, I could not hold back my tears when he was testifying of how...

Read more: Revival programme (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)